“Nature heals…let your food be your medicine” Hippocrates, Father of Medicine Medical care is not healthcare. They have an inverse relationship. The more we get of one, the less we have of the other. “For 40 years, the pharmaceutical companies have strategized to re-label medical care as ‘healthcare,’ while suppressingRead More →

C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D., CEO of International Institute of Holistic Medicine, announces best increase in healthy longevity: 3.5% regeneration of telomeres each year! With the best of health habits telomeres ordinarily shrink 1% every year! Telomeres are the tips of DNA and are essential for healthy life. Dr ShealyRead More →

Summary:CAREQ-ENS Enhanced Notification Service is an exciting new communication service developed by Breton Smartek. Following an enthusiastic reception from long-term care facilities, CAREQ will be available to facilities in both Canada and the United States. January 17, 2016 –Breton SmarTek, Inc. proudly announces the expansion of CAREQ-ENS Enhanced Notification ServiceRead More →